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​優質的特效,可以讓電影更加真實、絢麗;優秀的演員,得以為電影加入更多精彩張力。那麼一份有趣的劇本,則是架構起好電影的重要核心!第 90 屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎畫面依舊歷歷在目,國外網站 nofilmschool 整理了 41 部奧斯卡入圍電影的劇本,包含「最佳原創劇本」及「最佳改編劇本」獎項提名的 8 部劇本供你免費下載,而劇本來源皆由電影公司/工作室釋出,點擊連結就能下載電影劇本的 PDF 檔。


愛情昏迷中(The Big Sick)

逃出絕命鎮(Get Out), written by Jordan Peele

淑女鳥 ( Lady bird), written by Greta Gerwig

水底情深(The Shape of Water), written by Guillermo del Toro & Vanessa Taylor

意外(Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri) written by Martin McDonagh


大災難家(The Disaster Artist), screenplay by Scott Neustadter & Michael H. Weber, based on the book by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell

羅根(Logan), screenplay by Scott Frank & James Mangold and Michael Green, story by James Mangold

泥沼(Mudbound), screenplay by Virgil Williams and Dee Rees, based on the novel by Hillary Jordan

台灣與好萊塢編劇門道專題演說 - 映CG 媒體 | InCG Media

​電影《西門町》編劇/導演 - 王瑋導演,將從電影的敘事美學原理,為您分析台灣與好萊塢電影編劇創作與商業模式。我們推薦給對電影電視編劇有熱忱、有經驗需要突破成長,以及需要運用故事行銷與編劇企劃能力發揮所長,或者是身為動畫編導、對視覺藝術有敏感度有熱忱的人報名參加!




勝負反手拍(Battle of the Sexes), written by Simon Beaufoy

美女與野獸(Beauty and the Beast), screenplay by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos, based on 1991 animated film, written by Linda Woolverton

魅惑(The Beguiled), screenplay by Sofia Coppola, based on the novel by Thomas Cullinan

人生剩利組(Brad's Status), written by Mike White

我要為你呼吸(Breathe), written by William Nicholson

熊幸福騙局(Brigsby Bear), screenplay by Kevin Costello & Kyle Mooney, story by Kyle Mooney

可可夜總會(Coco), screenplay by Adrian Molina and Matthew Aldrich, story by Lee Unkrich, Jason Katz, Matthew Aldrich, and Adrian Molina

最黑暗的時刻(Darkest Hour), written by Anthony McCarten

縮小人生(Downsizing), written by Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor

不思議女人(A Fantastic Woman), screenplay by Sebastián Lelio & Gonzalo Maza

歡迎光臨奇幻城堡(The Florida Project), written by Sean Baker & Chris Bergoch

最後相愛的日子(Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool), written by Matt Greenhalgh

《他們先殺了我父親》(First They Killed My Father), screenplay by Loung Ung & Angelina Jolie, based on the book First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers by Ung

今天跳舞不打仗(Foxtrot), written by Samuel Maoz

星際異攻隊(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2), screenplay by James Gunn

完美結局(Happy End), written by Michael Haneke

老娘叫譚雅(I, Tonya), written by Steven Rogers

老爸出任務(Last Flag Flying), screenplay by Richard Linklater & Darryl Ponicsan, based on the novel by Darryl Ponicsan

愛在記憶消逝前(The Leisure Seeker), screenplay by Stephen Amidon, Francesca Archibugi, Francesco Piccolo, and Paolo Virzì

失落之城(The Lost City of Z), screenplay by James Gray, based on the book by David Grann

當愛不見了(Loveless), written by Oleg Negin & Andrey Zvyaginstev

聖誕頌歌(The Man Who Invented Christmas), screenplay by Susan Coyne, based on the book by Les Standiford

推倒白宮的男人(Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House), written by Peter Landesman

《茉迪的彩色小屋》(Maudie), written by Sherry White

邁耶維茨家的故事(The Meyerowitz Stories ), written by Noah Baumbach

母親!(mother!), written by Darren Aronofsky

諾曼人生(Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer), written by Joseph Cedar

愛的見習生(Novitiate), written by Maggie Betts

玉子(Okja), written by Bong Joon Ho and Jon Ronson

感謝您為國效力(Thank You for Your Service)

, screenplay by Jason Hall, based on the book by David Finkel

雷神:索爾(Thor: Ragnarok), screenplay by Eric Pearson and Craig Kyle & Christopher L. Yost

猩球崛起(War for the Planet of the Apes), screenplay by Mark Bomback & Matt Reeves

奇光下的秘密(Wonderstruck), screenplay by Brian Selznick, based on his illustrated novel


台灣與好萊塢編劇門道專題演說 - 映CG 媒體 | InCG Media


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本期雜誌以「IN BETWEEN NOW AND THE FUTURE」為主題,邀請了三組創作團隊,分享他們如何運用最新的數位內容製作技術,克服挑戰,實現願景的幕後故事。
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