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11 個備受矚目的 VR 動畫,在安錫國際動畫展搶先曝光

第 42 屆安錫國際動畫展將在 6/11-16 在法國展出,除了之前報導臺生入圍以外,本次的安錫動畫展還有一個超大亮點,就是來自世界各國 11 個短片將以 VR 動畫項目將在展覽亮相,吸引業界目光。

來自 18 個國家的75 件VR動畫

今年的 VR 動畫有來自 18 個國家的 75 件參賽,其中有 11 個短片雀屏中選進入安錫的 VR 單元,將在 Bonlieu 的創作大廳展出,而觀眾每天都可以體驗其中的兩個動畫。


Age of Sail, directed by John Kahrs (Google Spotlight Stories)

Arden's Wake: Tide's Fall, directed by Eugene Chung (Penrose Studios)

Back to the Moon, directed by Hélène Leroux and FX Goby (Nexus Studios for Google Spotlight Stories)

BattleScar, directed by Martin Allais and Nicolas Casavecchia

Crow: The Legend: Chapter 1 (formerly known as Rainbow Crow) directed by Eric Darnell (Baobab Studios)

Extravaganza, directed by Ethan Shaftel (Easyaction)

Gymnasia, directed by Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski (National Film Board of Canada)

電影犬之島幕後特輯的虛擬實境, directed by 魏斯安德森 (Google Spotlight Stories)

Museum of Symmetry, directed by Paloma Dawkins (National Film Board of Canada)

Piggy, directed by Jan Pinkava and Mark Oftedal (Google Spotlight Stories)

Wolves in the Walls (Chapter 1), based on the work by Neil Gaiman and directed by Pete Billington.

Age of Sail, directed by John Kahrs
Arden’s Wake: Tide’s Fall, directed by Eugene Chung
Back to the Moon, directed by Hélène Leroux and FX Goby
BattleScar, directed by Martin Allais and Nicolas Casavecchia
Crow: The Legend: Chapter 1 (formerly known as Rainbow Crow) directed by Eric Darnell
Extravaganza, directed by Ethan Shaftel
Gymnasia, directed by Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski
Museum of Symmetry, directed by Paloma Dawkins
Piggy, directed by Jan Pinkava and Mark Oftedal
Wolves in the Walls (Chapter 1), based on the work by Neil Gaiman and directed by Pete Billington
太崆動漫《衝破天際》(One Small Step) 搶先全球首映會,五月登場!


本期雜誌以「IN BETWEEN NOW AND THE FUTURE」為主題,邀請了三組創作團隊,分享他們如何運用最新的數位內容製作技術,克服挑戰,實現願景的幕後故事。
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