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提到今年最令人驚豔的學生作品,不得不提獲得第14屆全國技專院校電腦動畫競賽優勝的動畫短片《機器人設計學院》,搶眼的末日風格設計,細緻的人物動態與表情,都讓人眼睛為之一亮。映CG在 36 期【Gotcha! 寶可夢旋風再起!】特別專訪導演劉得維。幾乎一人包辦所有動畫工作的他,是如何打造《機器人設計學院》這樣優秀的畢業作品呢?

Along with student works amazing came this year, you shouldn't miss this one! "National Animation Contest for Vocational Education" is a representative award contest in Taiwan. One of the student works, "Robots' Design Academy" had already caught the audiences' eyes, slapped a defeat on others, and won the Honorable Prize for 14th contest. The eye-catching apocalypse style, meticulous characters' personalities, and expressions made this short one of a kind! What to be worth mentioned, behind this work, it is solely done by the director Eric Liu. He almost ran the whole show for this project, from creative job to animation work. Let's get to know more stories behind it!




Passionate with Apocalypse Style

"The story outline of 'Robots' Design Academy' in the beginning is entirely different from what it's like now." Eric shared with us. Initially he had the story in this way: After all the human beings were extinct, R and little girl Xin accompanied with each other for 12 years. Robot R entered "Robots' Design Academy" and began to discover the studies in school. After that, R noticed that the study was different from the one he heard from Xin. Such findings highlighted the rigidity of the robots' education system.However, Eric's mentor teacher pointed out there could be some logic problem of this story outline. Step by step, Eric took his mentor's advice and revised his story into the one we see today.

When it comes to why the apocalypse visual style was used , the director mentioned that he likes the animation and games of such style very much. Besides, Eric took many games and movies such as "Nier: Automata", "I, Robot", "Chappie", and many other Japanese animations as visual style or story reference for creating "Robots' Design Academy".




Break the cage of educational systems

The story of "Robots' Design Academy" is not only wonderful, but also presents a very delicate and charming picture. When it comes to using the pyramid form as the base of the school building, Eric said: "Pyramid shaped building is a bit more unique, and reflects the rigid and conservative characteristics of the design academy." The doors and windows of the classrooms are also made of metal, in order to make the whole school more as a "machine factory".

In the story, the robot professor P took Moai statue as the standard of "Human Spirit" – the spirit and icon of human design. Also, he required his students to unconditionally exercise his design theory: completely replicate the design of these stone statues. The Moai's expressionless face brings an impression of authority and religious feeling, and it's somewhat similar to the topic this animation discussed: the standard answer. Moreover, these Moai statues presents a sense of human craftsmanshipAlso, the professor P is the representative of rigid education system: the system where students are not allowed to think independently and lose the chance and value of learning. 




更多《機器人設計學院》精彩訪問都在 映CG 36期【Gotcha! 寶可夢旋風再起!

Suggestions: Don't be afraid of pursuing your dreams!

In the end, Eric generously shared his experience and thoughts with the students who are about to starting their own graduation projects. He says, "I suggest everyone think more about what you really want to persue, before starting your graduation project journey . Be bold and brave to do what you really want to do, and discuss topics you really care about. There's no need to worry about whether your story is too simple or superficial , because the quality of your work is determined by whether it expresses your unique personal experience in a powerful and impressive way. With the message you really want to convey and the goal eager to persue, your potential and willpower will be stronger, helping you to overcome all kinds of obstacles on the way. After this one-year journey, you will have a wonderful story to share, the one telling others that all you paid was worth of it.

More interview contents are available in the newest 36th issue of InCG Magazine " Gotcha! Pokémon Tornado!"

本期雜誌以「IN BETWEEN NOW AND THE FUTURE」為主題,邀請了三組創作團隊,分享他們如何運用最新的數位內容製作技術,克服挑戰,實現願景的幕後故事。
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